Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost of using HDQLIFE?
It is free to use HDQLIFE, but please include a citation for any HDQLIFE measures used in a publication. You can find the citation information here.
Who should complete the HDQLIFE measures?
The HDQLIFE measures should only be completed by persons with Huntington disease. They should be completed without assistance from anyone else (like a caregiver, care provider, etc.). There are no data for using the HDQLIFE measures as a proxy assessment.
Can I modify the HDQLIFE items?
No modifications should be made to the text and responses of the HDQLIFE items. The text and responses of HDQLIFE items cannot be altered in any way and still be considered an HDQLIFE item. If users modify the items, they cannot refer to these modified items as HDQLIFE. There are no data to determine whether or not a modified version would have the same psychometric properties as the original HDQLIFE item.
What is the original source of language of the assessment?
English (USA)
HDQlife is apart of the HealthMeasure system, please click here for additional information.