User Manuals

Please download and read our User Manuals to gain more in-depth information on item development and scoring.

For the HDQLife Chorea User Manual, please click here.

For the HDQLife Concern with Death and Dying User Manual, please click here.

For the HDQLife Speech Difficulties User Manual, please click here.

For the HDQLife Swallowing Difficulties User Manual, please click here.

For the HDQLife End of Life Planning User Manual, please click here.

For the HDQLife Chorea Short Form 6a User Manual, please click here.

For the HDQLife Concern with Death and Dying  Short Form 6a User Manual, please click here.

For the HDQLife Speech Difficulties Short 6a User Manual, please click here.

For the HDQLife Swallowing Difficulties  short form 6a User Manual, please click here.

Scoring Manual - Meaning and Purpose.pdf