Presenting Results
Use the Correct Measure Name
The first mention of HDQLIFE™ should include its full name and trademark symbol: “HDQLIFE™.” Subsequent sentences should use “HDQLIFE” without the trademark symbol.
Report the official measure name. The measure name includes the following components:
Measure type (i.e., short form, computer adaptive test (CAT))
Note that in some data collection systems, measures are labeled as “item banks.” If the item bank was administered as a computer adaptive test, please refer to the measure as a CAT.
Version number (e.g., v2.0)
For short forms, the number of items and letter designation if it exists (e.g. Speech Difficulties 6a)
Neuro-QoL Bank v2.0 - HDQLIFE - Chorea
Neuro-QoL Short Form v2.0 - HDQLIFE - Chorea 6a
HDQLIFE Scale v2.0 - Meaning and Purpose
You can also find the correct measure names on the Obtain & Administer page.
Use T-Scores
All HDQLIFE scores should be presented as T-scores. The T-score is the standardized score with a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10. Having T-scores in publications facilitates comparisons between studies.
Percentiles can be included as additional but not replacement information.
Higher scores indicate more of the concept being measured.
There are multiple ways to calculate HDQLIFE T-scores (e.g., manual look-up tables, automatic scoring in a data collection platform). Learn more about your options here.
Cite the Measure
Please include a citation for any HDQLIFE measures used in publications. If using a short form, please cite the publication describing the development of the full item bank. Please refer to the document below for proper citations.
Describe Modifications
The text and responses of HDQLIFE items cannot be altered in any way and still be considered an HDQLIFE item. Users are welcome to modify the items, but cannot refer to these modified items as HDQLIFE. There are no data to determine whether or not a modified version would have the same psychometric properties as the original HDQLIFE item. If you do choose to modify items, please clearly specify how the items were modified in any publications or other publicly disseminated products. Any changes to the syntax, including time frame, item text, and response options should be clearly described.
Ask for Permission to Reprint a Measure
If you would like to reprint an HDQLIFE measure in a publication, please email a request to [email protected] for written permission.